Ja, Musik! is a Summer Music Camp for children between 7 and 12 years old. We will create a Musical Theater show all together: singing, dancing and playing our instruments. We want the children to have fun and enjoy the creative process of being part of a big show as a Musical Theater is. All the activities are going to be thought and adapted for the level and ages of the children.
Ja, Musik! will take place at the ICMS Basel Building (Fürstesteinerstrasse 85, 4053 Basel) between the 2nd and the 13th of July. We will meet every morning (Monday-Friday) at 8:30h (with the possibility of bringing the kids from 8:00h on) and will have fun until 12:30h. After Care until 14:00h (lunch time) is also possible (with an extra fee).
The Camp is planned for 2 weeks, as learning and creating a Musical Theater show needs time. After these two weeks, we will present our Musical Theater show in a venue in Basel, with free entrance for all the parents and friends that want to come and see the Big Final Show.
Although we highly recommend that the kids be there for the full two weeks, we understand that this is not always possible. There is also, therefore, the possibility to sign the children up only for one of the weeks.
All the activities will be done in English and German.
SIS and/or ICMS Students will have a special matriculation price. An early registration will have a special discount too (Register before 30. April). The price list for the Summer Music Camp is (price per week and child):
Early Registration (Before 30.April): General: 310 Fr.
Early Registration (Before 30.April): SIS/ICMS Students: 290 Fr.
General Price: 330 Fr. (after 30. April)
SIS/ICMS Students: 310 Fr. (after 30.April)
Lunch time (12:30h-14h) extra fee: 60 Fr.
***20 Fr. discount off for the 2nd (or 3rd) child’s tuition for siblings.
For registration and any other questions, please contact Haize Lizarazu, Camp Director: haize.lizarazu@gmail.com